Frequently Asked Questions

About Psychotherapy

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy involves developing a safe environment and trusting relationship with a therapist so you can work together with the overall aim of improving your mental health and well-being. Together you will work with your therapist to make  positive changes in your mood,  thinking, relationships, and behaviours.  

Yes. I think about all my clients outside of session, and I’ll do quite a bit of problem solving, strategizing, and even discussing of client cases (while respecting confidentiality) with other professionals.

Yes. Sessions fall under psychotherapy. If your insurance coverage includes psychotherapy, you can make a claim through your insurance by submitting an invoice.

I typically make myself available for 2 weekdays every week, with some weekend morning and weekday evening availability as well.

I would not confirm that you and I speak with each other and I would not answer any questions. Even if that person is your spouse, child, parent, or your doctor. I would need written consent from you in order to proceed. There are extremely rare circumstances where I am obligated to do so, such as by a court of law, or if someone’s life is in danger. This would be discussed with you thoroughly prior to any breach in confidentiality.

If you see me while out in public and want to say hello, you can introduce me as your therapist or even as your cousin Bill. I’ll play along with whatever you decide. I won’t approach you first because of the vulnerable and private nature of therapy.

24 hours notice is required. Less than 24 hours notice will result in a 50% charge. No shows will result in a 100% charge. Under rare circumstances, I will do what I can to accommodate an appointment later in the day if I have a spot available.

 As many sessions as you need, and not one more.

 This differs from person to person. I have people that I’ve spoken to a handful of sessions with great results. They then discontinue seeing me and they move on with their life. I’ve had other people that I’ve spoken with for over a year and continue to speak with. This varies based off of individual needs. In addition, some people like to speak with a therapist as a check-in even when things are going well in their life.

Some people like to start with weekly sessions and then move to bi-weekly, monthly, and finally irregular appointments. This seems to be the most typical strategy, but it is by no means necessary. I have also spoken with people two and three times a week when something needs immediate attention.

Yes. In-person is available by appointment only at 2020 Winston Park Drive, #200 (Zemlar Offices) between 9-5 M-F.